Workshop of the Arpel Sustainability Commitee 2024

Collaboration Across Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean


Material issues in ESG and Sustainability in Oil and Gas in Latin America and the Caribbean
Introduction of materiality priorities in partner companies.
Objective: To facilitate companies the opportunity to present and define their material issues in the context of their operations and sustainability strategies.

Roundtable on Social Impact and Benefit in the ESG-Sustainability Framework
Objective: To explore the trends and development of mechanisms applied in companies to assess social impact and benefit within the ESG-Sustainability framework. In the panel discussion, we seek to analyze how impact analysis determines best practices in social investment and the development of affected regions.

Integrating ESG-Sustainability in business performance 
Global Trends in ESG-Sustainability
Objective: To explore global trends in ESG-Sustainability and their application in the industry, analyzing the effect of ESG in listed companies, describing what and how greenwashing is defined, exploring the impact of ESG in investment portfolios, analyzing its effect on commercial and multilateral banking, and understanding trends in sustainability reporting.

Panel Discussion: Transparency and Compliance in ESG-Sustainability.
Objective: To examine global trends in ESG-Sustainability transparency and compliance, addressing implementation in companies and evaluating the mechanisms that support operations. This involves presenting ESG-Sustainability transparency, describing implementation tools and assessing their operational impact on the industry 

Discussion: The Development of the Sustainability Report
Objective: Through a group discussion we seek to capture the experience of the panelists to provide information and discuss the development of sustainability reporting and the transition to integrated reporting, with the special participation of Ecopetrol, Geopark and Raízen. A space will be opened to include participation and questions from all participants.

Sustainability Committee Strategy and Action Plan 2024 - 2025
Guided by Arpel and participation of Committee Members
Goal: Define the Sustainability Committee Strategy and Action Plan 2024 - 2025 to support member company development and address emerging ESG and sustainability needs

Closed activity for members (only by invitation)

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  • Tags:
    • Sostenibilidad

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