The Best Practices Exchange Workshop on “Facility Integrity Management”, organized by Arpel and YPF as host, brought together 80 professionals from Ancap, Becht, Cenit, ENAP, EP Petroecuador, GIE Group, GeoPark, HEMPEL, OCP Ecuador, PAE , Petromark, Raízen, Refinor, Rosen, Tecpetrol, TGN, TGP, Trafigura, and WisePlant.
The technical event took place at the La Plata Industrial Complex from October 23 to 25 and was developed by the Pipeline Integrity Team of the Arpel Pipelines and Terminals Committee, which is coordinated by Fabián Sánchez.
The program included 20 technical presentations and two panels on “Integrity strategy management” and “Use of digital tools.”
The main topics addressed during the Workshop were: Risk management; Integrity in rotating equipment; Tank integrity; Pipeline integrity; Internal inspection; Coatings, and Cybersecurity Threats.
The third day included technical visits to YPF Energy Space and the topping area of the La Plata Refinery.
During these three days of workshop, Arpel brought together the Integrity Management teams of the member companies, who were able to exchange experiences and continue strengthening the network of contacts.