This manual provides a general description of the methodology developed by Arpel to carry out the comparative analysis of the Cybersecurity maturity level of the oil and gas industry in the region.
It also provides the results obtained in the assessment carried out in 2021 and 2022 with the participating member companies, providing the reader with the necessary information to identify the gaps with the capabilities developed in the region and thus be able to locate and focus on those that need concrete actions to its evolution.
Currently, the growing interconnection of industrial systems and the adoption of digital technologies, mostly used in information technology environments, have provided enormous benefits in terms of efficiency and productivity. In return, they have increased their exposure to cyber threats that can compromise the security of the processes they control, having a direct impact on the four risk receptors: People, Environment, Finance and Corporate Image.
From Arpel's Industrial Cybersecurity Committee we have accompanied our partner companies, in the identification of their Industrial Cybersecurity capabilities to help them in the elaboration of their investment plans, taking as reference the C2M2 model of the United States Department of Energy.
Link to the document (for Arpel members only): https://arpel.org/library/publication/546/