From September 18 to 20, the tenth Latin American Process Safety Conference organized by the CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) took place in Barranquilla, Colombia. During the three technical sessions, all aspects of process safety in different industries, particularly oil and gas, were addressed.
Tiphaine Le Moënner, Senior Project Manager and coordinator of the Environment, Health and Safety Committee, participated on behalf of Arpel, presenting the paper “Self-assessment of Process Safety Systems as a tool towards comprehensive risk management” together with Raúl Manga from Tema-Litoclean and Eduardo Díaz from GeoPark.
The main objective of the participation of Arpel and the two member companies was to present the self-assessment methodology and tool of the process safety management system, developed by Arpel's member companies, and the benefits of its implementation.
It is a friendly and useful tool to oil and gas companies so that they can identify their gaps in process safety management systems at both company and facility levels.
The tool consists of 21 short questionnaires to assess the 21 defined elements, which can be used for both upstream and downstream operations. Four types of evaluation were defined in order to make it easier, more agile and adaptable to different companies and levels of maturity.
Download link (available for Arpel members in Spanish and English): https://www.arpel.org/en/publications/process-safety-self-assessment-tool-v2