Arpel and Ipieca, IOGP, and API carried out a series of webinars on Introduction to Sustainability Reports with a special focus on companies in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The first webinar took place on October 17 and was about “Sustainability reporting 101: introduction and essential steps in producing your sustainability report.” This webinar focused on how companies can communicate their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance to stakeholders.
The meeting was attended by Beatrix Wieczorek, Sustainability Reporting Manager at Shell; Cláudia Krüger, Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Manager at Petrobras; Duygu Guven, Sustainability and Social Performance Senior Manager at Ipieca, and Mónica Ospina, Sustainability Manager at Arpel.
The experts pointed out that the Sustainability Report is a communication tool that helps strengthen the transparency and credibility of the company, thereby supporting the decision-making processes of both internal and external stakeholders.
Likewise, they indicated that the identification and prioritization of material topics is key to the success of a sustainability report. This process requires collaboration across the entire company and is essential to ensure that reports are transparent, accurate and complete so they can be credible and useful in decision-making, they maintained.
In closing, it was highlighted that it is advisable to start simply and improve over time, as the process becomes complex.
The second webinar was held on October 29 and had as its main topic: Materiality Assessments for Sustainability Reports.
On this occasion, Beatrix Wieczorek, Sustainability Reporting Manager at Shell, participated; Mónica Tangarife, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Ecopetrol; Duygu Guven, Sustainability and Social Performance Senior Manager at Ipieca; Gabrielle van Melkebeke, Senior Policy Manager ESG & Environmental Policy at IOGP, and Mónica Ospina, Sustainability Manager at Arpel.
The meeting highlighted the importance of engaging and learning from the perceptions and feedback of diverse stakeholder groups to create effective sustainability strategies tailored to each company’s environment and operations.
Both webinars were designed for companies in the region that are considering starting to prepare sustainability reports, beginning their path in preparation, or for new members of sustainability teams.
Link to the full recording of the first webinar Arpel, Ipieca, IOGP, API: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wfaVygVaFQ&t=3s
Link to the recording of the second webinar Arpel, Ipieca, IOGP, API: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8bxAZkUxgc
Download link “Sustainability reporting guide for the oil and gas industry”: https://www.ipieca.org/resources/sustainability-reporting-guidance