Harmonization of fuels specifications

Year: 1998

Publication type: Studies

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While it is the prerogative of individual countries to set national standards at levels they think appropriate, these proposed specifications are intended to provide guidance and, if implemented, they would allow for a coherent regional product markets to develop. These standards are proposed as a baseline for all countries in the Region and it is recommended that they be implemented over the next seven years, with some interim targets set for 2001 and final standards targeted for 2005. Specifications of key parameters for gasoline, diesel, LPG and light fuel oils have been proposed, with special consideration being given to the local and national issues in the Region. Issues considered when developing the specifications included: investment requirements; the effects on current vehicle fleet, on current trade, and on air quality; as well as sensitive geopolitical issues such as national supply security and the potential perspectives of smaller/older refineries in some countries.

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