A virtual workshop on Good ESG Practices at Oil & Gas Companies was organized on July 27 in order to create a space to discuss and analyze one of Arpel’s main strategic vectors: Sustainable Management.
Luisa Palacios, Senior Researcher at the Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP) of Columbia’s University, was the speaker at this activity, which was only aimed at Arpel’s members.
The recently published study “Assessing ESG Risks in National Oil Companies: Transcending ESG Ratings with a Better Understanding of Governance” was presented at the workshop.
This report helps us to understand the impacts of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance of national oil companies (NOCs) in emerging markets.
The authors presented their research on ESG indicators from the most important national oil & gas companies in emerging markets, as well as from some of the integrated oil & gas companies in more developed countries.
Link to the webinar recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_SymMTKEc&t=23s
Report “Assessing ESG Risks in National Oil Companies: Transcending ESG Ratings with a Better Understanding of Governance”