Arpel participated in the launch of EP Petroecuador’s Decarbonization and Business Sustainability Plan, which took place in Quito on July 26, with the presence of Government authorities and representatives from international entities, companies and institutions in the oil & gas sector.
According to Arpel’s member company EP Petroecuador, this technical and strategic project will allow the company to take further actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pursuant to the environmental and energy policy enforced by the Government in Ecuador.
“Investing in the research and development of green technologies is critical to reduce the carbon footprint, improve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs in the areas of exploration and production, transport, refining and marketing of both the national and international markets”, EP Petroecuador’s General Manager Ramón Correa Vivanco explained.
Arpel’s Executive Secretary Carlos Garibaldi, who was specially invited to the launch event, gave a lecture on “Sustainability and the Corporate Transformation of Oil Companies”.
“Based on the opportunities offered by their environments and contexts, each of our member companies has addressed its corporate transformation to fight climate change and evolve towards to provision of more sustainable energy sources”, he remarked. Garibaldi added that all companies are currently focusing on decarbonizing their operations and facilities to reach net-zero GHG emissions, while seeking to diversify their energy portfolios”.
EP Petroecuador operates in 25 oil blocks –22 in the Amazon and three in the Coastline– which account for nearly 80% of crude oil equivalent national production, including oil and gas.