19 October 2021


  • On October 14, a workshop was held only for ARPEL members on the document Roadmap to Drive the SDGs and the Importance of Communication, attended by professionals from the sustainability and communication areas.

    During the activity, the document "Roadmap to Drive the Contribution of the Oil and Gas Industry to the SDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean" was launched. https://arpel.org/library/publication/531/.

    The document outlines a path for action and a shared work agenda, defining seven priority SDGs: SDG 5 (gender equality), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), SDG 12 (responsible production and consumption), SDG 13 (climate action) and SDG 17 (partnerships to achieve the goals)―three key opportunities for impact: setting the course, providing management tools and solutions, and measuring and communicating progress, resulting in 22 lines of action.

    The workshop also included a remarkable presentation by María Victoria Riaño, former CEO of Equion Energía Colombia, author of the book Todos Somos Líderes (We Are All Leaders), and an international leader in sustainability issues. In her presentation, which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezNqLByltRo&t=528s

    María emphasized the concept of the "sustainable self", from the perspective that we must all contribute to sustainability as individuals and as companies.

    The workshop was closed with a group discussion to define actions to continue driving sustainability through communication.

    In addition, on October 27, through an invitation made by GeoPark, a partner of ARPEL, a talk was given on how to incorporate the SDGs in small and medium-sized companies, aimed at suppliers of the oil and gas industry in Neuquén.


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