At the end of June in Quito, Arpel's Executive Secretary, Carlos Garibaldi, gave a lecture on the "Challenges and Opportunities of the Energy Transition" to an audience full of young engineering students from the University of the Americas in Ecuador.
"For our industry, as an indispensable agent of energy transitions, to be sustainable, it must preserve its social license. In addition to decarbonizing its traditional operations and diversifying its energy product portfolio with renewable sources, it must also make its voice heard among all social stakeholder groups. This is also essential to attract and retain future generations of its human capital," said Garibaldi during his visit to the educational center.
This initiative by Arpel to bring the main messages of the regional energy sector to university campuses addresses these priorities. In these areas, we comment on the Energy Transition's urgency, alternatives, uncertainties and boundary conditions.
"The goal is to understand the need for realism, pragmatism, and cooperation necessary to achieve plural, just, and viable energy transitions," Garibaldi noted.
For his part, Diego Buenaño, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences at UDLA, said, "As an academic institution, we firmly believe in the importance of offering these spaces for reflection to our students."
During his visit to the country, Garibaldi was also invited by the "Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)" in Guayaquil. On this occasion, he spoke about Arpel's role in the region and its mission to promote operational excellence and sustainable development of the oil and gas industry through cooperation among member companies and collaboration with key stakeholders.