
TEMA-Litoclean Webinar on Arpel Process Safety Self-Assessment Tool

TEMA-Litoclean Webinar on Arpel Process Safety Self-Assessment Tool
Arpel's Health, Environment and Safety Committee organized a virtual workshop in conjunction with member company TEMA-Litoclean on how to conduct a self-assessment of the Process Safety Management System.

This workshop was aimed at introducing the new version of the Process Safety Self-Assessment Methodology and Tool developed by Arpel and its member companies.

It was conducted by Raul Manga, Business Development Manager of TEMA-Litoclean Mexico, who led the team responsible for improving and optimizing the initial version of the methodology.

It is a friendly and useful tool for oil and gas companies to identify gaps in their process safety management systems at both company and facility level.

The tool consists of 21 short questionnaires to assess the 21 defined elements, which can be used for both upstream and downstream operations.

In 2022, a new version of the tool was published, which includes recommendations for ease of use, optimized questionnaires and other improvements. Tool download link:

Link to the full recording of the webinar:
  • Tags:
    • Seguridad

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