
Study "Status of Net Zero Reporting in the Latin American Oil and Gas Sector" by Global Reporting Initiative


More than 250 professionals from the sector participated in the Arpel webinar dedicated to the Status of Net Zero Reporting in Latin American Oil and Gas Sector.

The virtual meeting took place at the end of April and was organized by Arpel's new Sustainable Management Committee, coordinated by Mónica Ospina, Project Manager of the Association.

The main objective of the activity was to present the findings of the study " Status of Net Zero Reporting in Latin American Oil and Gas Sector," conducted by the renowned Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This study focuses on establishing an initial reference for emissions reporting (Scope 1, 2, and 3) by Latin American companies in the oil and gas sector.

This analysis, published in July 2023, was carried out through the evaluation of 50 Latin American companies listed on national stock exchanges, with a specific focus on 9 countries in the region: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Mexico, and in the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago.

Among the identified challenges are the need to improve accurate measurement of emissions, the implementation of emerging technologies, adaptation to climate change, and increasing regulatory and social pressure.

On the other hand, different opportunities for the sector were identified, including technological innovation, sectoral collaboration, portfolio diversification, and improving communication and transparency regarding emissions and mitigation strategies.

The presentation was given by Lina Camargo, Manager of GRI Latin America.

Link to the full webinar:





  • Tags:
    • Transiciones Energéticas
    • Sostenibilidad

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