At the beginning of May, Arpel developed an in-company workshop dedicated to the Integration of Sustainability within organizations, which was designed especially for companies in the oil and gas sector.
More than 40 representatives from the different areas of Ancap participated in the activity: CSR, Communication, Institutional Relations, Audit and Risks, Management Control, Commercial Planning, Supply, Logistics, Business Development, Human Management, Industrial Safety, Environment, Occupational Health, Logistics, and Exploration and Production, among others.
The objective was to facilitate the understanding and practical application of sustainability, local content and obtaining the social license to operate through exchanging experiences between participants.
The agenda of the Arpel Workshop on Sustainability Integration included the topics: Integration of Sustainability in the Organization; Sustainability and Transparency Report – Risk Management; and Inclusion and Social Participation in Projects.
The activity was coordinated by Mónica Ospina and Pablo Ferragut, on behalf of Arpel, and by Soledad Rodríguez, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Ancap and member of Arpel's Sustainable Management Committee.