
Arpel in Colombia and Ecuador: VII Oil, Gas and Energy Summit and ENAEP 2024

Arpel in Colombia and Ecuador: VII Oil, Gas and Energy Summit and ENAEP 2024

Arpel was part of the agenda of the VII Oil, Gas and Energy Summit, organized by the Colombian Oil and Gas Association (ACP) from October 1 to 3 in Cartagena de Indias.

In this framework, Carlos Garibaldi, Executive Secretary of Arpel, was invited to discuss “The energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean and its particular environmental conditions.”

Asked about the region's outlook regarding the energy transition, Garibaldi said that “we are not comparable to rich economies, Latin America and the Caribbean is a heterogeneous region concerning levels of development, energy matrices, hydrocarbon resources and exposures to the effects of climate change.”

Meanwhile, he pointed out that the region has the cleanest primary energy matrix on the planet. With 8% of the world's population, we emit 7% of global GHG emissions and 5% of global CO2 emissions.

“However, we are not passive and we are doing our part to mitigate the effects of climate change,” he said.

Another of the ideas highlighted by Garibaldi during his speech was that “there is no universal recipe for the energy transition, not even a regional one. To be accepted, sustainable and successful, the course-rhythm of each transition must be just in terms of the circumstance and starting point of each particular country, putting people first to ensure their energy inclusion.”

In conclusion, Garibaldi expressed that: “We are talking about a transition, not an abrupt replacement, and the question should not be whether we should stop exploring immediately, but whether we are exploring enough.”

On the other hand, on October 2, the XIX Annual Oil and Gas Meeting (ENAEP) was held in Quito, organized by Seminarium.

The event was attended by more than 12 CEOs of companies in the sector that operate in Ecuador, investors, experts and those interested in the development of the sector.

On this occasion, Garibaldi gave a conference titled How to make LAC attractive for investments in energy transitions?, in which he highlighted that to encourage investments in hydrocarbons, renewable energies and mining, “we need better quantitative frameworks (contractual and fiscal) and qualitative (state policies, governance, institutional and regulatory quality, independence of powers, legal and personal security, and transparency).”

Garibaldi was also the moderator of the panel on “Energy Transition and Climate Change”, made up of Inés Manzano, Minister of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador; Silvana Pástor, Vice President of Gente Oil; Francisco Do Picco, Country Manager of Tecpetrol, and Claudio Vázquez, Country Manager of Pluspetrol.

  • Tags:
    • Transiciones Energéticas
    • Normativa

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