
Arpel at ROG.e and at natural gas event of Getulio Vargas Foundation in Brasilia

Arpel at ROG.e and at natural gas event of Getulio Vargas Foundation in Brasilia

Arpel was part of the ROG.e Expo and Conference 2024, an event organized by the Brazilian Institute of Petroleum and Gas (IBP) from September 23 to 26 in Rio de Janeiro, which received more than 60,000 people under the motto “Connecting energies.”

Carlos Garibaldi, Executive Secretary of Arpel, was part of the session “The role of natural gas for a safe and fair energy transition in Brazil and worldwide”, together with Sindre Knutsson from Rystad Energy, Álvaro Tupiassú from Petrobras, and Andrés Sannazzaro from Repsol Sinopec Brazil. It was moderated by Ieda Gomes from the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

Arpel's second participation in the ROG.e was through the presentation of Arpel's White Paper “Just Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean”, which was led by Patricia Marques, Climate Change Specialist at Petrobras, and by Rodrigo Vaz, Upstream Director of S&P Global, representing the Arpel Energy Transitions Committee.

According to Vaz, it was a high-level discussion on the technical document published by Arpel on Just Energy Transitions with industry experts who represent the vision of different energy sector associations in Brazil.

Arpel was part of another important event for the energy sector in Brazil which took place on September 11 in the auditorium of the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy in Brasilia.

The event focused on the role of natural gas and biomethane for a fair, affordable and sustainable energy transition was organized by the Getulio Vargas Foundation Study Center, ABEGÁS and the International Gas Union (IGU).

The activity aimed to provide a space for the exchange of knowledge and recommendations to industry leaders and decision-makers in Brazil on the use of natural gas and biomethane as fuels for the transition.

  • Tags:
    • Transiciones Energéticas
    • Gas

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