
Arpel and OLADE signed a cooperation agreement to promote sustainable energy development in the region

Arpel and OLADE signed a cooperation agreement to promote sustainable energy development in the region

The Association of Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Companies of Latin America and the Caribbean (Arpel) and the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) recently signed an agreement to promote technical and institutional cooperation actions in energy matters.

The agreement was signed by the representatives of both organizations, Carlos Garibaldi, Executive Secretary of Arpel, and Andrés Rebolledo, Executive Secretary of OLADE, within the framework of Energy Week, an event organized by OLADE from October 28 to November 1 in Asunción, Paraguay.

About the agreement, Garibaldi expressed: “OLADE and Arpel, as complementary institutions, can promote the unavoidable multi-sector dialogue to achieve successful just, plural and inclusive energy transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Under this role, technical and institutional cooperation actions fit, including joint work related to sustainable energy development and its integration in the region, considering all the actors linked to the activities and processes that comprise the energy chain. Arpel is proud to have the opportunity to work side by side with OLADE.”

“This agreement is a milestone in the consolidation of strategic alliances that seek to strengthen sustainable energy development in our region,” said Andrés Rebolledo, Executive Secretary of OLADE. “The cooperation between OLADE and Arpel will allow not only to enhance technical and institutional capacities but also to promote an energy transition approach that is inclusive and adapted to the specific needs of Latin America and the Caribbean,” added Rebolledo.

Among the cooperation actions expressed in the document, the incorporation of Arpel as a strategic ally of the OLADE Observatory of Methane Emissions in Latin America and the Caribbean stands out, providing technical support for its development and implementation.

Likewise, through the recent agreement, the joint implementation of projects, specific studies, events and training instances related to the energy sector in Latin America and the Caribbean is promoted.

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    • Transiciones Energéticas

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