Arpel Annual Report 2023


Arpel Annual Report 2023

The document compiles the activities carried out in 2023 under the four Strategic Vectors: Energy Transitions, Operational Excellence, Sustainable Management and Relationsh...
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Assessment of Oil Spill Response Planning and Preparedness: International Guide and RETOS V3.0

Best practices

Assessment of Oil Spill Response Planning and Preparedness: International Guide and RETOS V3.0

The International Guide for the Assessment of Oil Spill Response Planning and Preparedness provides a comprehensive summary of many components and elements in a Response Pl...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Process Safety Benchmarking Report (2022 data)


ARPEL Process Safety Benchmarking Report (2022 data)

This report is an annual comparative study between ARPEL member companies on process safety incidents (tier 1 and 2), according to API 754 Recommended Practice. The informa...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Occupational Safety Benchmarking Report (2022 data)


ARPEL Occupational Safety Benchmarking Report (2022 data)

ARPEL Member Companies occupational safety statistics annual report analyzes the trends of four reactive indicators (total incidents, gravity, frequency of incidents with l...
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Just Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean

White Paper

Just Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean

This document describes the consensual position of Arpel member companies regarding the concept of just energy transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Arpel upper management report on climate change COP27

Executive reports

Arpel upper management report on climate change COP27

This report summarizes the main conclusions from the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP27.
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Decarbonization policies in Latin America and the Caribbean

Executive reports

Decarbonization policies in Latin America and the Caribbean

Arpel decides to compile and analyze in this report, the current or developing national policies in the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, regardin...
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Exclusive for members Industrial Cybersecurity Maturity Benchmarking in the oil and gas industry for Latin America and the Caribbean


Industrial Cybersecurity Maturity Benchmarking in the oil and gas industry for Latin America and the Caribbean

This manual provides a general description of the methodology developed by Arpel to carry out the comparative analysis of the Cybersecurity maturity level of the oil and ga...
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Arpel Annual Report 2022


Arpel Annual Report 2022

The document compiles the activities carried out in 2022 under the four Strategic Vectors: Energy Transitions, Operational Excellence, Sustainable Management and Relationsh...
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Natural Gas in the Transition to Low-Carbon Economies - The case for Latin America and the Caribbean

White Paper

Natural Gas in the Transition to Low-Carbon Economies - The case for Latin America and the Caribbean

This document provides an overview of the role of natural gas, complemented by lower carbon/green gases, in the energy transition in the specific context of Latin America a...
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Exclusive for members Arpel Guidelines for the execution of civil and geotechnical works in the integrity management of hydrocarbon transport pipelines in the face of geothreats

Best practices

Arpel Guidelines for the execution of civil and geotechnical works in the integrity management of hydrocarbon transport pipelines in the face of geothreats

This Guideline refers to geotechnical mitigation works in pipelines, and places special emphasis on issues related to the types of geotechnical works that are necessary in ...
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Report Conference ARPEL 2022


Report Conference ARPEL 2022

The present report presents the subjects addressed during the Oil and Gas Conference Arpel 2022.
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Exclusive for members Arpel Occupational Safety Benchmarking Report (2021 data)


Arpel Occupational Safety Benchmarking Report (2021 data)

Arpel Member Companies occupational safety statistics annual report analyzes the trends of four reactive indicators (total incidents, gravity, frequency of incidents with l...
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Exclusive for members Arpel Process Safety Benchmarking Report (2021 data)


Arpel Process Safety Benchmarking Report (2021 data)

This report is an annual comparative study between Arpel member companies on process safety incidents (tier 1 and 2), according to API 754 Recommended Practice. The informa...
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Exclusive for members Process Safety Self-Assessment Tool v2

Best practices

Process Safety Self-Assessment Tool v2

Arpel Process Safety Self-Assessment Methodology and Tool provides a friendly and useful tool to oil and gas companies so that they can identify their gaps in process safet...
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Arpel Annual Report 2021


Arpel Annual Report 2021

This document compiles the activities carried out during 2021 to drive the four strategic lines: Energy Transitions, Operational Excellence, Sustainable Management, and Sta...
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Arpel upper management report on climate change 2021

Executive reports

Arpel upper management report on climate change 2021

This report summarizes the main conclusions from the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP26.
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Arpel Annual Report 2020


Arpel Annual Report 2020

The document contains information on Governance and Membership of Arpel. In addition, it compiles the activities carried out under the four Strategic Directions: Energy Tra...
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Exclusive for members Arpel Upper Management Report on Climate Change - Methane Emissions Management

Executive reports

Arpel Upper Management Report on Climate Change - Methane Emissions Management

Methane emissions are the second most important cause of global warming, and its reduction represents a strategic challenge for the sector. Based on a survey made among 18 ...
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Roadmap to Drive the Contribution of the Oil and Gas Industry to the SDGs

White Paper

Roadmap to Drive the Contribution of the Oil and Gas Industry to the SDGs

This Roadmap describes a course of action for Arpel and its members to drive the contribution to the SDGs, estabilishing an action framework and a shared work agenda. It de...
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Exclusive for members Energy Transition of the Refining Sector

Executive reports

Energy Transition of the Refining Sector

The energy transition towards a low-carbon economy is an indisputable necessity today, and represents a great challenge for the oil and gas industry in the region. In parti...
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Arpel and the Global Compact (COE 2021)


Arpel and the Global Compact (COE 2021)

Arpel fosters the improvement of socio-environmental performance and sustainability standards and practices, through cooperation and innovation among its member companies. ...
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LGC Series 2021: Digital Dialogue Argentina - Vaca Muerta


LGC Series 2021: Digital Dialogue Argentina - Vaca Muerta

This report is the summary of the Digital Dialogue: “The Role of Natural Gas in Colombia's Energy Transition", carried out in August. This event is the third issue of a ser...
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LGC Series 2021: Digital Dialogue Brazil - New Gas Law


LGC Series 2021: Digital Dialogue Brazil - New Gas Law

This report is the summary of the Digital Dialogue: “How will the new gas law transform Brazil’s gas market and the region?”, carried out in May. This event is the first is...
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LGC Series 2021: Digital Dialogue Colombia - The Role of Natural Gas in the Energy Transition


LGC Series 2021: Digital Dialogue Colombia - The Role of Natural Gas in the Energy Transition

This report is the summary of the Digital Dialogue: “The Role of Natural Gas in Colombia's Energy Transition", carried out in August. This event is the third issue of a ser...
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Exclusive for members Arpel Safety Benchmarking Report (2019 data)


Arpel Safety Benchmarking Report (2019 data)

Arpel Member Companies safety statistics annual report. It analyzes the trends of four reactive indicators (total incidents, gravity, frequency of incidents with lost workd...
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Arpel upper management report on climate change 2020

Executive reports

Arpel upper management report on climate change 2020

This report summarizes the main conclusions from the 25th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP25.
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Exclusive for members Arpel Achievements - 2019

Executive reports

Arpel Achievements - 2019

This report provides perspective to Arpel Member Companies on the achievements accomplished in 2019 through the collaborative work on the four lines and strategic objective...
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Preparing the Latin American and Caribbean oil and gas industry for the

Executive reports

Preparing the Latin American and Caribbean oil and gas industry for the "new normal"

The perfect storm created by oil price crash and COVID-19 has wreaked havoc worldwide. Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) economies rely heavily on revenues from their oil ...
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Changing strategies in the face of the crisis – Energy transitions and new horizons for oil & gas

Executive reports

Changing strategies in the face of the crisis – Energy transitions and new horizons for oil & gas

For over a decade, the oil and gas industry has been defining and fine-tuning strategies, implementing plans and deploying technologies to support various forms of energy t...
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Arpel Annual Report 2019


Arpel Annual Report 2019

This report details projects and other activities carried out by Arpel in 2019 to promote the integration, growth, operational excellence and effective socio-environmental ...
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Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean - The role of the oil and gas industry

White Paper

Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean - The role of the oil and gas industry

Arpel has developed the White Paper Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean - The role of the oil and gas industry as a contribution to the development of a r...
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Exclusive for members Arpel Environmental benchmarking report 2019 (2018 data)


Arpel Environmental benchmarking report 2019 (2018 data)

The Environmental Benchmarking Annual Report is a compilation of environmental performance statistics of Arpel member companies that has been elaborated since 2008. The rep...
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Systemic Approach to Improve Recovery Factors of Oil Resources (2nd. ed.)

White Paper

Systemic Approach to Improve Recovery Factors of Oil Resources (2nd. ed.)

The white paper "Systemic Approach to Improve Recovery Factors of Oil Resources," which aims to share with various stakeholders options to improve the recovery factors of m...
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Exclusive for members ILI Process Management in Pipelines Guidelines

Best practices

ILI Process Management in Pipelines Guidelines

The objective of this guide is to establish the general guidelines to correctly manage each stage of the In Line Inspection process in pipelines. It indicates the minimum r...
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Exclusive for members Arpel Safety Benchmarking Report (2018 data)


Arpel Safety Benchmarking Report (2018 data)

Arpel Member Companies safety statistics annual report. It analyzes the trends of four reactive indicators (total incidents, gravity, frequency of incidents with lost workd...
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Exclusive for members Process Safety Incidents Benchmarking (2018 data)


Process Safety Incidents Benchmarking (2018 data)

This report is an annual comparative study on process safety incidents (Tier 1 and 2), according to Recommended Practice API 754. Thirteen Arpel member companies shared inf...
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Exclusive for members Guidelines for Management of Pipelines and Terminals Control Rooms

Best practices

Guidelines for Management of Pipelines and Terminals Control Rooms

The document is intended to provide operators and controllers of pipelines and terminals with best management practices for control rooms, which is essential to achieve a s...
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Arpel Annual Report 2018


Arpel Annual Report 2018

This report details projects and other activities carried out by Arpel Representatives and Delegates of member companies in Technical Committees and Working Groups during 2...
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Arpel upper management report on climate change - 2018 summary

Executive reports

Arpel upper management report on climate change - 2018 summary

This report summarizes the most important facts of 2018 regarding Climate Change, its impact on the oil and gas industry, and the Arpel activities on this topic.
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Arpel and the Global Compact (COE 2019)


Arpel and the Global Compact (COE 2019)

Arpel fosters the improvement of socio-environmental performance and sustainability standards and practices, through cooperation and innovation among its member companies. ...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2017 data)


ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2017 data)

ARPEL Member Companies safety statistics annual report. It analyzes the trends of four reactive indicators (total incidents, gravity, frequency of incidents with lost workd...
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Exclusive for members Arpel Environmental benchmarking report 2018 (2017 data)


Arpel Environmental benchmarking report 2018 (2017 data)

The Environmental Benchmarking Annual Report is a compilation of environmental performance statistics of Arpel member companies that has been elaborated since 2008. The rep...
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Exclusive for members Process Safety Incidents Benchmarking (2017 data)


Process Safety Incidents Benchmarking (2017 data)

This report is an annual comparative study on process safety incidents (Tier 1 and 2), according to Recommended Practice API 754. Fourteen Arpel member companies shared inf...
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Analysis of the status of sustainability reporting in ARPEL member companies

Executive reports

Analysis of the status of sustainability reporting in ARPEL member companies

This document establishes a baseline on sustainability reporting in Arpel Member companies, which represent more than 90% of the oil and gas activities in Latin America and...
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Exclusive for members Environmental Benchmarking Manual 5th ed. (2017)


Environmental Benchmarking Manual 5th ed. (2017)

Manual for developing the ARPEL Environmental Benchmarking Performance in the Oil and Gas Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. HERE YOU CAN DOWNLOAD: Environmental Pe...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Environmental benchmarking report 2017 (2016 data)


ARPEL Environmental benchmarking report 2017 (2016 data)

The Environmental Benchmarking Annual Report is a compilation of environmental performance statistics of ARPEL member companies that has been elaborated since 2008. The rep...
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Exclusive for members Alerta del Clima n°1

Executive reports

Alerta del Clima n°1

"Climate Alerts" is a new ARPEL initiative that consists in the development of executive reports on extreme climate inicidents that have affected the companies of the secto...
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Oil and gas production prospects in Central & South America: IOGP and ARPEL report

Executive reports Information and statistics

Oil and gas production prospects in Central & South America: IOGP and ARPEL report

Growing indigenous demand means that Central and South America are on the brink of becoming net importers of oil and gas unless the region attracts more investment. Fortuna...
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ARPEL Annual Report 2017


ARPEL Annual Report 2017

This report details projects and other activities carried out by ARPEL Representatives and Delegates of member companies in Technical Committees and Working Groups during 2...
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Critical Infrastructure Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean

Executive reports Information and statistics

Critical Infrastructure Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean

This Report presents an update on experiences in the region in relation to cyber-attacks against owners and operators of critical infrastructures and some of the best pract...
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Exclusive for members Safety and Process Safety Benchmarking Manual (7th ed.)


Safety and Process Safety Benchmarking Manual (7th ed.)

This document includes the definitions and indicators used in the ARPEL safety and process safety benchmarking reports.
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Modelo I3. Cautivando el interés de la junta directiva en los temas de ciberseguridad

Best practices

Modelo I3. Cautivando el interés de la junta directiva en los temas de ciberseguridad

In an asymmetric information scenario and with permanent changes at the political, economic, social, technological and regulatory levels, organizations are in permanent ten...
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Oil and gas production prospects in Central & South America: IOGP and Arpel report 2nd ed.

Information and statistics

Oil and gas production prospects in Central & South America: IOGP and Arpel report 2nd ed.

Growing indigenous demand means that Central and South America are on the brink of becoming net importers of oil and gas unless the region attracts more investment. Fortuna...
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23° Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Executive reports

23° Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The main objective of this Conference was to move forward with the pending definitions for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, with regards to the following aspects:...
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Benchmarking report on Human Talent


Benchmarking report on Human Talent

The Benchmarking Project on Human Talent is in line with the Committee’s mission of developing, sharing and promoting best practices and solutions in terms of attraction, r...
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Climate Risks and Adaptation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Oil and Gas Sector


Climate Risks and Adaptation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Oil and Gas Sector

Forty professionals from 11 companies in the sector representing Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Ecuador and the United States participated in the workshop. Th...
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ARPEL Seminar Natural Gas and LNG Markets


ARPEL Seminar Natural Gas and LNG Markets

In the framework of the Energy Week organized by OLADE at the Alvear Icon Hotel in Buenos Aires and held December 4-7, 2017, the Seminar Natural Gas and LNG Markets took pl...
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Management of psychoactive substance use in oil and gas companies


Management of psychoactive substance use in oil and gas companies

This document summarizes the conclusions of the Seminar held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on September 2017. It contains a series of recommendations for companies to succesfu...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2016 data)


ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2016 data)

ARPEL Member Companies safety statistics annual report. It analyzes four reactive indicators (total incidents, gravity, frequency of incidents with lost workdays and fatali...
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Innov@arpel, Innovation & Technology Platform


Innov@arpel, Innovation & Technology Platform

Innov@arpel is a corporate web platform created with the aim of promoting interaction among providers of innovative technological solutions -R&D centers, universities, ...
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ARPEL and the Global Compact (COE 2017)


ARPEL and the Global Compact (COE 2017)

ARPEL fosters the improvement of socio-environmental performance and sustainability standards and practices, through cooperation and innovation among its member companies. ...
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Cases of Relations with Indigenous Peoples

Executive reports

Cases of Relations with Indigenous Peoples

This document attempts to present cases of relations with indigenous peoples as a way of conveying experiences, lessons learned and best practices that may be useful for co...
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Fundamentals of Industrial Cybersecurity


Fundamentals of Industrial Cybersecurity

(Document only in spanish versión) Siguiendo con el compromiso de difundir y concientizar sobre la importancia de la Ciberseguridad, la Gerencia de Seguridad de la Informac...
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Report of the Oil and Gas Conference ARPEL 2017 - Summary and Main Conclusions


Report of the Oil and Gas Conference ARPEL 2017 - Summary and Main Conclusions

Once again, the Oil and Gas Conference ARPEL 2017, which took place April 25-27 in Punta del Este, Uruguay, was the platform for a sectoral analysis. The biennial event bro...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Environmental benchmarking report (2015 data)


ARPEL Environmental benchmarking report (2015 data)

The Environmental Benchmarking Annual Report is a compilation of environmental statistics of ARPEL member companies that has been performed since 2008. The report analyzes ...
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The Strategic Route of Business Cybersecurity

White Paper

The Strategic Route of Business Cybersecurity

To understand the dynamics of ciber-threats and ciber-attacks is crucial for industry executives to understand the uncertainty of the impacts generated by this kind of situ...
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How to remain profitable in a low oil prices environment


How to remain profitable in a low oil prices environment

Oil prices have shown a steep and protracted decline since 2014, reducing margins and forcing the industry to restructure and reinvent itself to sustain operations and inve...
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ARPEL Annual Report 2016


ARPEL Annual Report 2016

This report details projects and other activities carried out by ARPEL Representatives and Delegates of member companies in Technical Committees and Working Groups during 2...
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22nd Summit of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22)

Executive reports

22nd Summit of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22)

ARPEL Upper Management Report on the main aspects of the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP22) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,...
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Cibersecurity - a key aspect in a hyperconnected world


Cibersecurity - a key aspect in a hyperconnected world

The event "Cybersecurity in critical infrastructures in a technologically dependent and interconnected world" took place October 18-19, 2016, in the Palacio San Martin in B...
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Exclusive for members Cibersecurity - a key aspect in a hyperconnected world


Cibersecurity - a key aspect in a hyperconnected world

ARPEL and Y-TEC joined efforts to analyze how technical solutions represent a fundamental pillar to sustain competitive advantages and, above all, to develop new applied kn...
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Exclusive for members Monitoring and inspection in pipeline integrity management against geothreats

Best practices

Monitoring and inspection in pipeline integrity management against geothreats

This guideline registers the best practices and lessons learned from monitoring and inspecting pipelines, rights of way and triggering agents of land instability processes ...
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Exclusive for members Benchmarking in Knowledge Management and Innovation


Benchmarking in Knowledge Management and Innovation

The report seeks for understanding the concept of knowledge management and innovation, the way organizations include the concepts in their culture and strategy, and the man...
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Vector-borne disease management programmes

Best practices

Vector-borne disease management programmes

This guide is aimed at health, safety and environment practitioners, as well as medical personnel and health risks managers working for the oil and gas industry. It is espe...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2015 data)


ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2015 data)

ARPEL Member Companies safety statistics annual report. It analyzes four reactive indicators (total incidents, gravity, frequency of incidents with lost workdays and fatali...
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Guidelines for addressing the evaluation of psychosocial risk factors in the workplace

Best practices

Guidelines for addressing the evaluation of psychosocial risk factors in the workplace

The guideline establishes the elements to manage the surveillance of psychosocial risk factors and its effects on health through the identification, evaluation and psychoso...
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Opportunities for the Development of Unconventional Oil and Gas in Latin America and the Caribbean

White Paper

Opportunities for the Development of Unconventional Oil and Gas in Latin America and the Caribbean

This document was developed to share with all stakeholders the most significant aspects relating to the exploration and exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons (shale/t...
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Trends of the Natural Gas Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

Executive reports

Trends of the Natural Gas Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

The objective of this Report is to present a diagnose of the current situation of the industry and the natural gas markets of Latin America and the Caribbean, and also to s...
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Paris Agreement and the oil and gas industry

Executive reports

Paris Agreement and the oil and gas industry

Upper Management Report on the main aspects of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, related to the oil and gas industry in Latin America and the Caribbean. It includes an...
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Exclusive for members Fire protection systems in transport and storage facilities

Best practices

Fire protection systems in transport and storage facilities

Technical Guidance for management, implementation, optimization and maintenance of fire protection systems of onshore oil transport facilities in compliance with technical ...
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ARPEL Annual Report 2015


ARPEL Annual Report 2015

ARPEL Annual Report 2015 presents the main actions and progress achieved by the Association to foster the sustainable development of the oil and gas sector in the region. I...
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Exclusive for members End User Fuels Prices 2015

Information and statistics

End User Fuels Prices 2015

Here you can download the table on Petroleum End User Average Prices in Latin American countries.
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Exclusive for members Seminar Development of Natural Gas Markets (2015)


Seminar Development of Natural Gas Markets (2015)

Agenda and presentations of the Seminar Development of Natural Gas Markets, carried out in Santiago de Chile on October 28 and 29, 2015. The following topics were addressed...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Reference Manual for Pipeline integrity Management (2nd ed. 2015)

Best practices

ARPEL Reference Manual for Pipeline integrity Management (2nd ed. 2015)

General guidelines for pipeline operators to check their own management and/or implement the best practices for integrity assurance at their facilities aiming at achieving ...
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Evolution of safety performance in the oil and gas sector (2004-2014)


Evolution of safety performance in the oil and gas sector (2004-2014)

The purpose of this report is to show the evolution and improvements in safety performance of the companies in the oil and gas sector in the region, based on the statistics...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Environmental benchmarking report (2014 data)


ARPEL Environmental benchmarking report (2014 data)

The Environmental Benchmarking Annual Report is a compilation of environmental statistics of ARPEL member companies that has been performed since 2008. The report analyzes ...
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ARPEL and the Global Compact (COE 2015)


ARPEL and the Global Compact (COE 2015)

ARPEL fosters the improvement of socio-environmental performance and sustainability standards and practices, through cooperation and innovation among its member companies. ...
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ARPEL 2015 Regional Conference Report


ARPEL 2015 Regional Conference Report

Under the motto “Cooperation and innovation for a sustainable energy development,” the Oil and Gas Conference ARPEL 2015 was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay, from April 7 t...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2014 data)


ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2014 data)

ARPEL Member Companies safety statistics annual report. It analyzes both reactive and proactive indicators, broken down by business line and by category (company and contra...
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MTIS Project of OCIMF as a tool for improving operational efficiency and safety of terminals of oil and derivatives

Executive reports

MTIS Project of OCIMF as a tool for improving operational efficiency and safety of terminals of oil and derivatives

This report addresses the urgent need for standardization of characteristics and assessment of terminals that move oil and oil products in the world, consequently increasin...
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Exclusive for members Risk Analysis Methodologies

Best practices

Risk Analysis Methodologies

Developed by ARPEL, this guideline has the objective to establish the minimum basis to help companies implement the methodologies most commonly used in the studies to analy...
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ARPEL Annual Report 2014


ARPEL Annual Report 2014

ARPEL Annual Report 2014
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Exclusive for members Global Climate Negotiations COP20 Lima

Executive reports

Global Climate Negotiations COP20 Lima

Summary of the global climate change negotiations carried out during the COP20 in Lima, December 2014. Prepared by Arthur Lee.
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Considerations to Foster Investment in Oil and Gas E&P in Latin America and the Caribbean (2015)

White Paper

Considerations to Foster Investment in Oil and Gas E&P in Latin America and the Caribbean (2015)

This is a catalogue of general points on oil and gas exploration licensing rounds for consideration by interested governments and other stakeholders. The considerations con...
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Guidance for health surveillance in psychosocial risk factors

Best practices

Guidance for health surveillance in psychosocial risk factors

Guidance establishing criteria and recommendations to detect at an early stage the damage caused by physosocial risk factors.
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Environmental Benchmarking Report (2013 data)


ARPEL Environmental Benchmarking Report (2013 data)

The Environmental Benchmarking Annual Report is a compilation of environmental statistics of ARPEL member companies that has been performed since 2008. The report analyzes ...
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Exclusive for members Guidelines for Pipeline Operator Certification

Best practices

Guidelines for Pipeline Operator Certification

This Guideline, developed by ARPEL, provides a general analysis of the different steps that should be taken to go for the International Qualification and Certification of p...
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Exclusive for members Reference Manual for Terminals Operation Management

Best practices

Reference Manual for Terminals Operation Management

This manual (updated edition 2014) compiles the best regional practices among ARPEL member companies on the management of terminal operations, being an essential reference ...
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Exclusive for members Workshop Fire Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry


Workshop Fire Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry

The workshop "Fire Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry" organized by ARPEL and ANCAP came with the purpose of sharing best practices and conceptual and technological innovat...
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ARPEL Benchmarking Report on Occupational Health (2014 data)


ARPEL Benchmarking Report on Occupational Health (2014 data)

Annual statistics report on the level of development of occupational health management in ARPEL Member Companies. The Report is based on the use of two self-assessment tool...
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Upper Managers Report on Climate Change n°23

Executive reports

Upper Managers Report on Climate Change n°23

This Executive Report highlights the reasons why oil and gas companies operating in Latin America and the Caribbean should be closely involved in the intergovernmental nego...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2013 data)


ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2013 data)

ARPEL Member Companies safety statistics annual report. It analyzes both reactive and proactive indicators, broken down by business line and by category (company and contra...
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Exclusive for members Workshop Management of Major Refining Projects and Surface Facilities


Workshop Management of Major Refining Projects and Surface Facilities

The event took place on September 30 - October 2, 2014 in Cartagena, Spain, sponsored by REPSOL and organized by the Refining and Fuels Committee. The workshop gathered 35 ...
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Exclusive for members Management of Relations with Labor Unions in Latin America

Executive reports

Management of Relations with Labor Unions in Latin America

The report includes the analysis made through a survey to Member Companies on the main issues related to management of relations with Labor Unions, and a proposal of strate...
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Exclusive for members 86th ARPEL Meeting of Experts (RANE) - Integrated management of reservoirs


86th ARPEL Meeting of Experts (RANE) - Integrated management of reservoirs

Executives and experts from ANCAP, Ecopetrol, PDVSA, Pemex, Petrobras, Petroperú, Pluspetrol, Repsol, Schlumberger, Tecpetrol, Weatherford, YPF and YPFB, among other compan...
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Exclusive for members First Latin American Symposium “Human talent and knowledge management in the oil and gas industry”


First Latin American Symposium “Human talent and knowledge management in the oil and gas industry”

During August 26-27, 2014, the First Latin American Symposium on “Human talent and knowledge management in the oil and gas industry” took place in Lima, Peru, The event was...
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Exclusive for members Workshop Process Safety Elements


Workshop Process Safety Elements

It was held on March 19-20, 2014 in San Jose de Costa Rica, Costa Rica. The organization of the event was sponsored by RECOPE. The Workshop was attended by 80 participants ...
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Exclusive for members Refineries Configuration

Information and statistics

Refineries Configuration

Attached you will find the detailed data on the configuration of ARPEL Member Companies' refineries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The data also includes the new proje...
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Exclusive for members Guideline Construction of Communities of Practice

Best practices

Guideline Construction of Communities of Practice

The document is a guideline for the construction of communities of practice and includes the aspects to be considered, the steps to be followed, the recommended activities ...
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Exclusive for members Workshop on Environmental and social performance standards for the extractive industry


Workshop on Environmental and social performance standards for the extractive industry

Considering the good perspectives in the development of new projects of the oil and gas sector in Latin America, and the need to attract the investment for these projects, ...
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Exclusive for members Workshop on Process Safety Management in ARPEL Member Companies - Current status and opportunities for collaboration


Workshop on Process Safety Management in ARPEL Member Companies - Current status and opportunities for collaboration

The Committee on Environment, Health and Safety of ARPEL (CASYSIA) organized a Workshop on "Process Safety Management in ARPEL Companies - Current status and opportunities ...
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Exclusive for members Workshop Conventional and Unconventional Gas Resources


Workshop Conventional and Unconventional Gas Resources

Here you can download final agenda and authorized presentations of the Workshop “Conventional and Unconventional Gas Resources” (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia - November...
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Exclusive for members Workshop Technologies for the Revitalization of Mature Fields


Workshop Technologies for the Revitalization of Mature Fields

Here you can download final agenda and authorized presentations of the Workshop “Conventional and Unconventional Gas Resources” (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia - November...
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Exclusive for members Talent Retention Toolkit


Talent Retention Toolkit

The document includes the results of an assessment of talent retention practices in member companies and the definition of general and specific practices of talent retentio...
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Exclusive for members Workshop Energy Efficiency in the Oil and Gas Industry


Workshop Energy Efficiency in the Oil and Gas Industry

Energy Efficiency in the Oil and Gas Industry - Combining strategic, management and operational approaches” (Mexico City - June 12-13). Presentations describe advances in t...
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ARPEL 2013 Regional Conference Report


ARPEL 2013 Regional Conference Report

ARPEL Regional Conference is a bi-annual event gathering top executives, high government officials, delegates from International Organizations and experts of the Energy Sec...
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Energy Indicators in the oil and gas industry

Best practices

Energy Indicators in the oil and gas industry

These ARPEL Guidelines – updated edition of “Estimation of energy indices for oil and gas upstream and downstream facilities” – describe the calculation methods and formula...
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Exclusive for members Fuels Specifications and typical values in LAC

Information and statistics

Fuels Specifications and typical values in LAC

ARPEL annualy compiles the current and future proposed specifications of vehicle fuels in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, apart from the average typical value...
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Exclusive for members Occupational Health Benchmarking Manual (1st ed. 2013)


Occupational Health Benchmarking Manual (1st ed. 2013)

The Manual has a detailed explanation to carry out Occupational Health Management Benchmarking in the oil and gas industry. The conceptual framework was developed by the IO...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Environmental Benchmarking Report (2012 data)


ARPEL Environmental Benchmarking Report (2012 data)

The Environmental Benchmarking Annual Report is a compilation of environmental statistics of ARPEL member companies that has been performed since 2008. The report analyzes ...
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Exclusive for members ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2012 data)


ARPEL Safety Benchmarking Report (2012 data)

ARPEL Member Companies safety statistics annual report. It analyzes reactive and proactive indicators, broken down by business line and by category (company and contractors...
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Exclusive for members Workshop Use of MBC valves in marine terminals


Workshop Use of MBC valves in marine terminals

Attached you will find the agenda and presentations (the latter in their original language) of the event held on November 9, 2012, in Florianopolis, Brazil, hosted by Trans...
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Av. Luis A. de Herrera 1248, WTC, Tower 2, 7th Floor, Office 717. Montevideo, Uruguay.
Phone: (+598) 2623 6993 – Email: