International Review of Health Risks for Oil and Gas Industry Workers

Year: 1999

Publication type: Studies

Public files

This report is a summary of current international, Occupational Health practices and principles as they relate to workers in the Oil and Gas Industry. The scope of this topic is large. Many comprehensive publications are available in the literature on the various aspects of occupational medicine, industrial hygiene and worker risks in general. The objective of this document is to present this information as it has been applied within the Oil and Gas Industry. In addition, emphasis has been placed on providing the reader with extensive literature resources from which more detailed information can be obtained, if desired. The intent has been to 1) cover the basic components of Oil and Gas Industry occupational health programs, 2) describe the management of common, illustrative, work-related health issues, and 3) provide the appropriate literature resources, necessary to obtain further and/or more detailed information. Sample components of several well-developed occupational health programs currently in use by major Oil and Gas companies are described.

Chapter 1 is a review of current worldwide trends in the management of occupational health risks. Chapter 2 outlines assessment of the potential health risks of new or healthy employees. Chapter 3 follows with methods for monitoring the impact of the workplace on employees. Chapter 4 describes promotion of healthy behaviors at work and home. Chapters 5 and 6 outline monitoring and support programs for troubled employees. Management of the worker who has developed an occupational injury or illness is presented in Chapter 7.

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