Baseline Study of Gender Equity in the Latin American and Caribbean Oil and Gas Industry

Year: 2004

Publication type: Studies

Public files

This document reports the results of a baseline study undertaken on the status of gender equity in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) oil and gas sector. It presents and analyses the results of three surveys. The first was distributed to the human resource departments of oil and gas sector companies and the second to the relevant government ministries in the region. These surveys were designed to establish the rates of participation of men and women at all levels in these organisations' labour forces and to collect information on corporate or government initiatives addressing gender. The third survey was distributed to a sample of oil and gas sector employees in order to establish the perceptions among male and female employees on gender issues.

Public files

Download ARPEL Social Report- Baseline Study of Gender Equity in the Latin American and Caribbean Oil and Gas Industry (844.8 KB)