Real World Case Studies in the Oil and Gas Industry & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions Workshop

Year: 2003

Publication type: Events

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During the two-day workshop on Energy Efficiency, the three new ARPEL guidelines on Energy Efficiency were presented. ARPEL members, covering both the upstream and downstream industry, delivered eleven case studies. Opportunities for turning energy efficiency projects into CDM projects were discussed from the Canadian and European Union perspective, along with the evaluation of two projects as potential qualifiers for CDM project status. An underlying theme was the importance of good monitoring and tracking programs in order to gauge the effectiveness of the energy efficiency projects and to qualify for CDM project status.

The Workshop allowed for a strong interaction of technical and political issues in the discussions and fostered good open dialogue, both amongst the audience and with the presenters. The plenary session ended with a summary of the workshop activities and key messages, delivered by Mr. Arthur Lee, chairman of the ARPEL Climate Change Working Group, which are also included in this Report.

The full text of the presentations in the sessions can be also accessed from here.

Public files

Download Energy Efficiency - Case Studies in the Oil and Gas Industry ppts Report (696.4 KB)

Download Energy Efficiency - Case Studies in the Oil and Gas Industry ppts (3.5 MB)