Expert delegates and executives of the region work in cooperation in the Technical Committees, forming the engine of the Association to carry forward its strategic lines.

  • They develop work processes for continuous improvement based on the exchange of best practices and knowledge in discussion forums.
  • With unfolding innovations, they develop and edit Guides and Manuals that provide a basis for member companies to enrich their business models.
  • They contribute to provide training and the technical support required by member companies in the implementation of best practices.
  • They provide information to conduct benchmarking studies, whose purpose is to measure and compare the improvement in the performance of member companies.
  • The Technical Committees work with the support of the Executive Secretariat of ARPEL.


Sustainable Development Goals

Created in 2019

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations are today an essential agenda for governments and organizations of any kind.

Environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts impose a review of the models of doing business accompaniedby technological development. Therefore, working towards the SDGs becomes an ethical and social imperative and a corporate sustainability requirement.

Due to its size and characteristics, our industry has a significant weight in the contributions to the compliance with the objectives at the level of individual countries and, therefore, of the region as a whole. It is of the utmost importance to identify this contribution and to work on its furtherance.

The SDG Working Group aims to:

  • Generate a common understanding on the issue and give visibility to the value of the SDGs for the business strategy in order to incorporate them into the agenda of oil and gas organizations in the region.
  • Map the situation in companies in the sector in the region and prioritize the SDGs that can create greater impact.
  • Identify key opportunities and define lines of work to develop the SDG agenda of the sector in the region for 2030.
  • Assess and communicate progress to stakeholders.