Expert delegates and executives of the region work in cooperation in the Technical Committees, forming the engine of the Association to carry forward its strategic lines.

  • They develop work processes for continuous improvement based on the exchange of best practices and knowledge in discussion forums.
  • With unfolding innovations, they develop and edit Guides and Manuals that provide a basis for member companies to enrich their business models.
  • They contribute to provide training and the technical support required by member companies in the implementation of best practices.
  • They provide information to conduct benchmarking studies, whose purpose is to measure and compare the improvement in the performance of member companies.
  • The Technical Committees work with the support of the Executive Secretariat of ARPEL.



The Communications Committee helps to guarantee consensual and consistent communication on those strategic matters managed through ARPEL in the fulfillment of its mission. It helps the ARPEL Secretariat to work on improving the reputation of the industry, addressing external interest groups, as well as those within the partner companies/institutions.

Los objetivos del Comité de Comunicaciones son:

  1. 1. Advise the Executive Secretary on communication strategies, helping to identify and mitigate future risks and opportunities, sharing ideas, lessons learned and best practices.
  2. 2. Agree on the key messages on those strategic, sensitive and technical advocacy issues developed by ARPEL.
  3. 3. Disseminate ARPEL's activities, deliverables and positions within the Partner Companies/Institutions, as well as help promote them to external interest groups.
  4. 4. Share ideas, lessons learned and best practices on strategies and management of business communication.


María Eugenia Guzmán, Head of Communications and Marketing
